Why Is Buying a Shelf Corporation a Wise Investment?

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Revisión a fecha de 10:11 9 mar 2018; Puffinart8 (Discusión | contribuciones)

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Business owners all over the world are constantly searching for the best and most cost-effective options for boosting their creditworthiness in the eyes of the biggest lenders. While simply conducting business responsibly can help to create a more respectable reputation in your industry, there is always room for growth. By purchasing a shelf corporation, sometimes known as an aged corporation, business owners can expand their reach in a number of lucrative ways. What is a Shelf Corporation? Simply put, a shelf corporation is a previously registered business entity that has been more or less abandoned by its owner. Shelf corporations are known as aged corporations because of the fact that each one has an established credit history of at least 2 years or more. This existing credit history, when harvested correctly, is used by business owners and individuals to increase eligibility for unsecured loans and lines of credit. What Can an Aged Corporation Do for a Credit Score? The age of your open credit accounts is one of the main things creditors look at when underwriting your application for a loan. If you or your business does not have enough positive credit history to show, becoming approved for financing can be very difficult. Adding an aged corporation to your portfolio can quickly change the game, reducing the amount of time it takes for you to make improvements or expansions to your business. In short, the age of the shelf corporation becomes yours as soon as the entity is registered in your name. Instead of waiting for years to become creditworthy, you get the reputation you need instantly, and the best part is that it is completely legal. How Are Shelf Corporations Bought Legitimately? In order to make the most of your investment and not get ripped off, buying your aged corporations from a reputable source is extremely important. You need open and honest customer service, an option to choose the shelf corporation that works for your, and a price that is affordable. At WholesaleShelfCorporations.com, we pride ourselves on offering all of the above to every client who trusts us with their venture. For more information on how to purchase an aged corporation to add to your portfolio immediately, contact an agent at WholesaleShelfCorporations.com via phone, email, or Live Chat. As one of the most trusted sources of shelf corporations, your money will be well spent here.