Getting Justice May Require Moving Beyond Criminal Court to a Personal Injury Lawyer

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Revisión a fecha de 15:50 9 mar 2018; Vault5sheep (Discusión | contribuciones)

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Transportation Nation, a political advocacy group concerned with issues regarding transportation, recently shed light on bicycle accident statistics in the five-borough area, including the Bronx. According to the group, of the 21 cyclist fatalities from a motor vehicle that occurred in 2011, only two involved the arrest of the driver of the vehicle. They further found that less than 50% of drivers who cause personal injury to or kill a cyclist are ever even given a ticket.When an assistant district attorney for the Bronx was asked why this was so, he responded that society has decided not to criminalize every little mistake that results in injury or even death because we have chosen to drive big cars. According to this Bronx ADA, some actions that result in injury or death are not considered crimes because we, as a society, have decided that they are not crimes.

However, others involved with public safety in the Bronx are laying the blame not with society, but with the police. According to them, the state requires every accident involving serious injury to be thoroughly investigated, but they say that the Private Detective Office Queens police only conduct an investigation when the victim is dead or expected to die. Legislation is now in the works that would require police to follow the dictates of the law and investigate not only in the event of death, but when there is serious injury.Transportation Nation suggests that if the police would get serious about issuing speeding tickets in the Bronx and throughout the city, the instances of personal injury would decrease. Instead, records indicate that the NYPD issued four times as many citations for tinted windows last year as they did for speeding.It would be possible for Bronx authorities, police officers, and advocacy groups to argue all day regarding who is to blame and how to best solve the problem of bicyclists who suffer injury because of drivers. However, for those cyclists, pedestrians, and other drivers who suffer injury, it is often not possible to find resolution or a sense of justice within the criminal court system. Often times, the responsible driver is not cited in the incident, or if they are, nothing seems to come of it.

For those who have suffered personal injury in the Bronx, the best recourse is most often found through the help of a Bronx personal injury lawyer. Your lawyer does not have to depend upon overworked police forces or Bronx ADAs who have decided that society has decriminalized certain actions that cause injury. Rather, your lawyer will simply focus on getting you the compensation you deserve by holding the responsible party accountable. Contact a Bronx personal injury lawyer today for the justice and the closure you are seeking.