Ucation level Illiterate Major education Secondary education College diploma Initially degree

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The major factors reported by students for order Omecamtiv mecarbil cheating on exams have been lack of preparation for exams (25.7 ), academic workload or other assignments (16.9 ), should acquire good marks (14.6 ), want not to fai.Ucation level Illiterate Primary education Secondary education College diploma First degree or above 274(22.9 ) 256(21.four ) 151(12.6 ) 132(11 ) 129(10.8 ) 27(two.three ) 37(three.1 ) 40(3.three ) 39(three.three ) 110(9.two ) 301(25.2 ) 293(24.5 ) 191(16 ) 171(14.three ) 239(20 ) 374(31.three ) 280(23.four ) 147(12.3 ) 82(6.9 ) 60(five ) 37(three.1 ) 51(4.three ) 53(four.4 ) 69(five.8 ) 42(three.five ) 411(34.four ) 331(27.7 ) 200(16.7 ) 151(12.six ) 102(8.5 ) 814(67.6 ) 119(9.9 ) 15(1.2 ) 139(11.5 ) 107(8.9 ) 11(0.9 ) 953(79.1 ) 226(18.eight ) 26(two.two ) 256(21.1 ) 557(46 ) 103(eight.five ) 38(3.1 ) 64(5.three ) title= s12864-016-2926-5 151(12.5 ) 33(two.7 ) ten(0.8 ) 320(26.four ) 708(58.four ) 136(11.two ) 48(4 ) 491(41.five ) 447(37.8 ) 191(16.1 ) 54(4.six ) 682(57.7 ) 501(42.three ) 91(7.5 ) 735(60.three ) 134(11 ) 45(11.2 ) 170(13.9 ) 44(three.6 ) 136(11.2 ) 905(74.two ) 178(14.6 ) Sex Female, n ( ) Total, n ( )Table 1 Socio-demographic traits on the students by sex, June 2013 (Continued)Field of study Nursing Midwifery Health-related laboratory technologies Public health officer Medicine Optometry Environmental wellness officers Year of study 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Total, N ( ) one hundred(8.two ) 293(24.1 ) 216(17.8 ) 276(22.7 ) 74(6.1 ) 960(78.eight ) 37(three ) 64(five.3 ) 68(five.6 ) 75(6.2 ) 13(1.1 ) 259(21.two ) 137(11.three ) 357(29.4 ) 284(23.4 ) 351(28.9 ) 87(7.2 ) 1219(one hundred ) 133(11 ) 94(7.eight ) 77(six.four ) 234(19.four ) 340(28.2 ) 43(three.six ) 33(2.7 ) 56(four.six ) 27(two.two ) 19(1.six ) 46(three.8 ) 84(7 ) 191.six ) 2(0.2 ) 189(15.7 ) 121(ten ) 96(eight ) 280(23.two ) 424(35.1 ) 62(five.1 ) 35(two.9 )Place of student's residence In the university dormitory Outdoors the university campus With loved ones Location of consuming meal At the university's caf?Outside the university caf?Monthly Pocket revenue Much less than one hundred birr 100-299 birr 300-500 birr More than 500 birr 105(eight.eight ) 434(36.four ) 291(24.four ) 112(9.four ) 9(0.eight ) 52(four.4 ) 121(10.2 ) 68(5.7 ) 114(9.6 ) 486(40.8 ) 412(34.six ) 180(15.1 ) 876(72.7 ) 76(six.3 ) 93(7.7 ) 160(13.3 ) 969(80.4 ) 236(19.six ) 900(74.four ) 42(3.5 ) 13(1.1 ) 220(18.2 ) 14(1.2 ) 20(1.7 ) 1120(92.six ) 56(four.6 ) 33(2.7 )Table three summarizes data with regards to reported cheating by different qualities.Ucation level Illiterate Principal education Secondary education College diploma PR-047 site Initially degree or above 274(22.9 ) 256(21.four ) 151(12.6 ) 132(11 ) 129(ten.eight ) 27(2.three ) 37(three.1 ) 40(3.3 ) 39(3.3 ) 110(9.2 ) 301(25.2 ) 293(24.five ) 191(16 ) 171(14.three ) 239(20 ) 374(31.three ) 280(23.four ) 147(12.three ) 82(six.9 ) 60(5 ) 37(3.1 ) 51(4.3 ) 53(four.four ) 69(five.8 ) 42(3.5 ) 411(34.4 ) 331(27.7 ) 200(16.7 ) 151(12.6 ) 102(8.5 ) 814(67.six ) 119(9.9 ) 15(1.two ) 139(11.5 ) 107(eight.9 ) 11(0.9 ) 953(79.1 ) 226(18.eight ) 26(2.two ) 256(21.1 ) 557(46 ) 103(eight.5 ) 38(three.1 ) 64(5.three ) title= s12864-016-2926-5 151(12.five ) 33(2.7 ) ten(0.8 ) 320(26.4 ) 708(58.4 ) 136(11.2 ) 48(four ) 491(41.5 ) 447(37.eight ) 191(16.1 ) 54(four.6 ) 682(57.7 ) 501(42.three ) 91(7.5 ) 735(60.3 ) 134(11 ) 45(11.two ) 170(13.9 ) 44(3.six ) 136(11.2 ) 905(74.2 ) 178(14.six ) Sex Female, n ( ) Total, n ( )Table 1 Socio-demographic traits from the students by sex, June 2013 (Continued)Field of study Nursing Midwifery Healthcare laboratory technologies Public overall health officer Medicine Optometry Environmental wellness officers Year of study 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Total, N ( ) 100(8.two ) 293(24.1 ) 216(17.8 ) 276(22.7 ) 74(six.1 ) 960(78.8 ) 37(3 ) 64(5.three ) 68(5.6 ) 75(6.2 ) 13(1.1 ) 259(21.two ) 137(11.3 ) 357(29.four ) 284(23.4 ) 351(28.9 ) 87(7.2 ) 1219(one hundred ) 133(11 ) 94(7.8 ) 77(6.four ) 234(19.4 ) 340(28.2 ) 43(three.six ) 33(2.7 ) 56(four.6 ) 27(2.two ) 19(1.six ) 46(three.eight ) 84(7 ) 191.six ) 2(0.two ) 189(15.7 ) 121(10 ) 96(eight ) 280(23.2 ) 424(35.1 ) 62(five.1 ) 35(2.9 )Place of student's residence Within the university dormitory Outdoors the university campus With loved ones Place of consuming meal In the university's caf?Outside the university caf?Monthly Pocket income Significantly less than one hundred birr 100-299 birr 300-500 birr Greater than 500 birr 105(8.8 ) 434(36.four ) 291(24.four ) 112(9.four ) 9(0.eight ) 52(4.4 ) 121(10.two ) 68(five.7 ) 114(9.six ) 486(40.eight ) 412(34.six ) 180(15.1 ) 876(72.7 ) 76(6.3 ) 93(7.7 ) 160(13.three ) 969(80.four ) 236(19.6 ) 900(74.4 ) 42(three.five ) 13(1.1 ) 220(18.two ) 14(1.2 ) 20(1.7 ) 1120(92.six ) 56(4.6 ) 33(2.7 )Table three summarizes data with regards to reported cheating by diverse traits.Ucation level Illiterate Major education Secondary education College diploma 1st degree or above 274(22.9 ) 256(21.four ) 151(12.six ) 132(11 ) 129(ten.eight ) 27(two.3 ) 37(three.1 ) 40(three.three ) 39(3.3 ) 110(9.two ) 301(25.two ) 293(24.5 ) 191(16 ) 171(14.three ) 239(20 ) 374(31.3 ) 280(23.four ) 147(12.three ) 82(6.9 ) 60(5 ) 37(3.1 ) 51(four.three ) 53(four.4 ) 69(five.eight ) 42(3.five ) 411(34.four ) 331(27.7 ) 200(16.7 ) 151(12.6 ) 102(8.5 ) 814(67.6 ) 119(9.9 ) 15(1.2 ) 139(11.5 ) 107(eight.9 ) 11(0.9 ) 953(79.1 ) 226(18.eight ) 26(2.two ) 256(21.1 ) 557(46 ) 103(eight.five ) 38(3.1 ) 64(5.3 ) title= s12864-016-2926-5 151(12.5 ) 33(two.7 ) ten(0.eight ) 320(26.4 ) 708(58.4 ) 136(11.2 ) 48(four ) 491(41.5 ) 447(37.8 ) 191(16.1 ) 54(4.six ) 682(57.7 ) 501(42.3 ) 91(7.5 ) 735(60.3 ) 134(11 ) 45(11.two ) 170(13.9 ) 44(3.six ) 136(11.two ) 905(74.2 ) 178(14.six ) Sex Female, n ( ) Total, n ( )Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics of your students by sex, June 2013 (Continued)Field of study Nursing Midwifery Medical laboratory technologies Public health officer Medicine Optometry Environmental health officers Year of study 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Total, N ( ) 100(8.2 ) 293(24.1 ) 216(17.eight ) 276(22.7 ) 74(6.1 ) 960(78.eight ) 37(three ) 64(five.three ) 68(5.6 ) 75(six.two ) 13(1.1 ) 259(21.two ) 137(11.3 ) 357(29.4 ) 284(23.four ) 351(28.9 ) 87(7.two ) 1219(100 ) 133(11 ) 94(7.eight ) 77(six.four ) 234(19.four ) 340(28.2 ) 43(three.six ) 33(two.7 ) 56(four.6 ) 27(2.2 ) 19(1.six ) 46(3.8 ) 84(7 ) 191.6 ) two(0.two ) 189(15.7 ) 121(10 ) 96(eight ) 280(23.2 ) 424(35.1 ) 62(5.1 ) 35(two.9 )Location of student's residence Within the university dormitory Outdoors the university campus With family members Location of consuming meal In the university's caf?Outside the university caf?Month-to-month Pocket money Less than one hundred birr 100-299 birr 300-500 birr Greater than 500 birr 105(8.eight ) 434(36.four ) 291(24.four ) 112(9.four ) 9(0.8 ) 52(four.4 ) 121(ten.2 ) 68(five.7 ) 114(9.6 ) 486(40.eight ) 412(34.six ) 180(15.1 ) 876(72.7 ) 76(six.three ) 93(7.7 ) 160(13.three ) 969(80.4 ) 236(19.6 ) 900(74.four ) 42(three.five ) 13(1.1 ) 220(18.2 ) 14(1.2 ) 20(1.7 ) 1120(92.6 ) 56(four.six ) 33(two.7 )Table three summarizes data concerning reported cheating by different qualities. About a single in 5 students in the university cheated. A considerable quantity of females reported cheating as in comparison to males (26.two females vs. 18.1 males, p = 0.005). Students with an urban background cheated greater than those from a rural background (23.8 urban vs. 14.three rural, p title= jivr.v8i2.812 they weren't enthusiastic about their field of study. The students who did not like their field of study also cheated greater than people who were interested in their field of study (26 vs. 17.7 , p = 0.002). The prevalence of substance use OICR-9429 biological activity amongst students was 13.5 , a important variety of students who engaged in substance abuse reported cheating (41.two ) as compared with individuals who did not cheat (16.three ) (p title= mcn.12352 depicts the causes for cheating although Figure 2 depicts motives for not cheating as reported by students. The major factors reported by students for cheating on exams have been lack of preparation for exams (25.7 ), academic workload or other assignments (16.9 ), have to receive great marks (14.six ), need to not fai.