All-natural Choice and Foreign Policies1230215

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It is the mechanism that imposes a collective of conditions and pressures that applies significant adversity on people or groups within the bounds of the said system. Those with the potential to evolve and prevail are the ones that do not cease to exist. In some instances they even thrive in the stated atmosphere. Those who are unfit, meaning those that do not have the potential to transcend current limits and weaknesses are consigned to extinction. This is what is meant by survival of the fittest. Nature itself singles out those that will survive and those that will not.

In the power play of nations, the idea of all-natural selection is also a reality. Component of this Darwinian concept is the concept that the fitter an organism, there is the higher likelihood that it will dominate the atmosphere it is in. It would be elevated to the status of prey. Lesser creatures will either be prey to these who are greater, or they will evolve and be predators themselves. When examining this environment it is apparent that it is similar to the interaction of foreign policies of modern states.

When the foreign policy of a certain country is forced by circumstance to yield to that of another much more powerful state, there is a political kind of predation. Foreign policies are closely reflective of the scheme of all-natural choice. An instance of this is in terms of how nations aligned themselves in terms of which globe power. The usual and rational choice for lesser nations is to attach themselves to more potent states. There are many motivations behind this. However, they all belong to the realm of survival. Nations behave like their individuals.

In the realm on international relations and foreign policy, lesser states act like prey, they find ways to survive in an environment of many voracious predators. They usually attempt to establish a symbiotic relationship with one to keep themselves safe from others. This is the basis of many modern-day alliances. As for world powers, they act like predators. They are at the pinnacle of existence and hold a substantial quantity of power of life and death on many other lesser entities. They remain as such until such that they are also singled out for extinction. A dominant power lasts only so lengthy as no other power exists that exceeds it or that the adversity of the environment does not overcome it.

Foreign policies are nothing much more than active manifestations of states to influence their way to survival. If they fail, they fall prey to the many predators in the international arena. Equally sufficient these predatory entities live off the weaker creatures in the international neighborhood. It requires a substantial degree of political maneuvering for a nation to survive in the international politics of today. This is not in contrast to the development of a creature in its pursuit of indicates to evade eradication and to thrive in a hostile environment.

Global Affairs