Here s The Age You Peak At Everything Throughout Life

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Revisión a fecha de 06:19 19 dic 2017; ReynaColman3 (Discusión | contribuciones)

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What are you the best at RIGHT NOW? These are the ages when you peak at everything.

From 7 - 8, Learning a new language is easiest. From 9-10, you're least likely to die. At 18, your brain works the fastest.

At 22, women are most attractive to men. At 23, People have the highest satisfaction with life. At 25, Muscles are strongest.

At 31, You're the best at playing chess. At 39, women make their highest salary. At 48, men make their highest salary. At 50, math skills are highest.

From 75-84, you feel most comfortable with your body. At 82, your sex gay psychological well-being is at its highest. No matter how old you are, there's always something to look forward to.