Editando Auto Rentals More Complex Than Ever

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Damage charges. Now renters are being held responsible for acts of nature such as hail, flooding, tornadoes, and hurricane damage. Even minor scratches and door dings can cost you hundreds of dollars. The best advice is to take pictures or video with a digital camera or your cell phone.
Damage charges. Now renters are being held responsible for acts of nature such as hail, flooding, tornadoes, and hurricane damage. Even minor scratches and door dings can cost you hundreds of dollars. The best advice is to take pictures or video with a digital camera or your cell phone.
Insurance confusion. Check with your insurance company before you rent to make sure that they will cover you in the rental vehicle. If you do not have comprehensive coverage or collision on your own vehicle, it will not be covered in a rental one either.
Just like balance transfer cards used to be the darling of the [http://www.ezyrentacar.com car rent bangkok] credit card industry, car rental programs used to offer the most for the money in your travel rewards plans. That is no longer the case, so you need to work the system in order to find the best deals available.
Just like balance transfer cards used to be the darling of the credit card industry, car rental programs used to offer the most for the money in your travel rewards plans. That is no longer the case, so you need to work the system in order to find the best deals available.

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