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Afred Dunhill has a loyal and valued customer base, each of whom is a fashion leader at the time. The list includes: King Alfonso of Spain, Duke of Kent of Norway, Leslie Cheung, King of Siam (today's Thailand), King Farouk of Egypt, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of India, and Somerset Maurice Oh, Oliver Hardy and many more. Almost everyone likes Afred Dunhill's perfumes, enjoying Afred Dunhill's cigars and hopefully knowing the time through Afred Dunhill's watches, writing letters to friends and family with Afred Dunhill's pens and stationery. Afred Dunhill's most famous customer during the war was British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. After the war, many celebrities also joined the camp of Afred Dunhil clients. Today, one can see at Chartwell the elegance of the unique antiques the celebrities love. Afred Dunhill also made remarkable achievements in the United States, Rollagas lighters is the Elvis Elvis's favorite.
In the middle of the nineteenth century, there was a small grocery store selling tobacco in the streets of London, England. It was "Dunhill." Since then, Dunhill has started to shift from franchised tobacco to men's series, such as garments, accessories and leather goods. By the 1930s, Dunhill has produced more varieties of daily necessities, and the men's series has been established.
Dunhill products have been all-encompassing, stores also throughout the world. Dunhill has become the top international brand of men's products. Dunhill clothing has also become the preferred brand of successful men around the world. In casual style embodies the elegant style of Dunhill clothing, autumn and winter design of the new men's clothing intended to show men both modern urban yet mature personality.
Exquisite tailoring is the overall concept throughout this season's series of clothing: sleek, narrow shoulders three buckle jacket with a waist-beam design, with a streamlined body is close to the pants. Hue inspired by the color of the city night sky, neutral black, brown, navy, gray, beige and alpaca. Passport and cell phone pocket cleverly hidden [http://www.mkbagsonsale.eu/ michael kors purses on sale] inside the coat, so that men can easily and freely activities. Leather garments (Napa lambskin, deerskin and goatskin), sporty jackets and caban jackets not only have a gorgeous appearance, but are also made of a practical waterproof patent leather. Loosely compiled with sophisticated design style, suitable for weekends and wearing, and the funnel-shaped collar and bright colors more classic style this season adds a stylish character.

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