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Fasting and Natural Weight Loss
Fasting is one of the mankind�s oldest and most efficient ways to banish the toxins that build up in the body as the result of the pollutants that are everywhere in the environment. There are toxins in the air that we breathe. There are also chemicals in the water and food that we consume. When these chemicals, waste and poisons build up in the bloodstream you can suffer from weight gain, headaches, diarrhea or depression. Furthermore the body just becomes less efficient allowing you to become even more obese.
Fasting is an effective way to help the body detoxify. In fact, fasting is recommended for any illness as it gives the body the rest it needs to recover. It also works on those who are overweight. You can get rid of all kinds of terrible conditions fasting including colon disorders, asthma and allergies.
As a side benefit your organs get a rest every time you do a fast. This can help reverse the aging process as well as help you live a healthier and longer life.
Whenever you perform a fast several crucial changes take place. Your body continues to excrete toxins but your intake of them dwindles which in turn reduces the body�s toxic levels in general � this also helps you to lose weight.
When you fast a number of things start to happen �
* The energy usually used for digestion is redirected to support immune function, cell growth and digestive processes so you are healthier and slimmer
* The immune system�s workload is reduced and you become less allergic to foods that you over consume
* Tissue oxygenation is increased and white blood cells are moved more efficiently which over the long term can also assist with weight loss
* Fat stored chemicals such as pesticides and drugs are released into the colon and kiddies causing you to lose weight
* Physical awareness and sensitivity to diet and surroundings are increased
Fasting can also speed up the weight loss process by cleansing your liver, kidneys and colon with greater speed. It can also help you purify your blood, lose excess weight and water, flush out toxins, clear the eyes and tongue and make your breath smell fresh.  The natural weight loss part of the fast is just a bonus!
You should fast at least three days a month and follow a ten day fast at least twice a year.

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