Is It Feasible to Have a Healthy Dessert?4046225

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We all love desserts, but how about this latest buzz about unhealthy eating? Is there a chance of discovering a healthy dessert? Let's get some ideas and tips.

Now, why are desserts not great for your health? Answering this query would assist us to get some suggestions and recipes. First of all many desserts are high in saturated fats. Some of them contain trans fats, which are extremely unhealthy. This one reason why most desserts can't be considered healthy.

These fats can trigger your bad cholesterol level to go up. Excessive consumption of such desserts can lead to developing numerous heart and blood vessel illnesses. So, now we know that a healthy dessert should not be rich in fats. But is it feasible? It surely is.

The rule of a thumb in picking a healthy dessert is to look for organic and fresh ingredients in it. Here is one good example. There is a pumpkin pie dessert recipe. It consists of grated pumpkin, sugar, flour, eggs and margarine. Margarine is the unhealthiest ingredient. Margarine is made out of vegetable oil. They get highly processed and get turned into trans fats.

So, is there a way to turn this recipe into a healthy dessert recipe?

You can merely substitute the margarine with organic vegetable oil. You should use refine or purified corn or sunflower oil and your pumpkin pie would turn out as delicious as that with margarine.

An additional unwholesome ingredient of desserts is sugar. It ruins your teeth and it keeps the sugar level in your blood high. This could lead to developing such grave illnesses as diabetes. Plus, sugar consists of lots of calories and makes you acquire weight.

So, what can you do about it? For one, you can cut down the quantity of sugar in your homemade dessert. Individuals in America make things too sweet. This leads to many negative consequences. In addition to diabetes and obesity, individuals deal with an additional issue. Their taste buds become much less sensitive to the sweetness of foods. In a while individuals report that such sweet fruits as strawberries or bananas cease to be sweet to them.

They cannot discern the taste of all-natural products. So, cutting down your sugar in desserts is the best factor you can do. In a while your taste buds would recover their ability to discern sweet taste and you would not crave for sugar so a lot. In addition to, you can substitute sugar in your desserts with honey or molasses. These products are much more organic and less processed than sugar. Thus, they are healthier.

So, another rule of a thumb for a healthy dessert is to use unprocessed components. You might use whole grain flour in your recipes. It is rich in fiber and other essential nutrients. And it consists of fewer carbs in it.

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