New Halloween movie John Carpenter

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"Halloween." Compass International Pictures

Legendary filmmaker John Carpenter seemed to walk away for good from the movie that made him an icon when he declined to direct �Halloween H20: 20 Years Later� in 1998 due to a contract dispute.

But it seems time has healed this particular wound: Carpenter will be an executive producer on a new �Halloween� movie, which will be financed by Miramax and Blumhouse Productions, according to an announcement released on Monday.

This is the first time Carpenter has been directly involved in a �Halloween� movie since 1982�s �Halloween III: Season of the Witch� (for which he jasa pelet was a producer).

��Halloween� needs to return to its traditions,� Carpenter said in a statement. �I feel like the movies have gotten away from that... Michael is not just a human being; he�s a force of nature, like the wind. That�s what makes him so scary.�

This new �Halloween,� which is currently in preproduction, will be the 10th sequel in the classic horror franchise that follows a psychotic masked killer named Michael Myers.

John Carpenter. Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty

The first �Halloween,� which opened in 1978 and starred a then-unknown Jamie Lee Curtis as the babysitter Myers is stalking and Donald Pleasence as the psychiatrist determined to kill Myers, was an instant hit. The movie was made for just $325,000 and it earned $47 million worldwide.

The scares in the movie were heightened by the film�s memorable score, which Carpenter also created.

The sequels in the decades since have seen hits and misses. But Blumhouse head Jason Blum, who's been behind recent low-budget horror hits like the �Paranormal Activity� and �Insidious� franchises, believes getting Carpenter back into the mix is what the Myers series has been missing.

��Halloween� is one of those milestone films that inspired everyone at our company to get into the world of scary movies,� Blum said in a statement, �and we are so excited that Miramax brought us together. We cannot wait to find and collaborate with the right filmmaker to give 'Halloween' fans the movie they deserve.�

Here's the trailer from the original "Halloween."