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The largest company (and franchisor) in its industry in Brazil, Master House Manutencoes e Reformas works with home renovations and handyman services in Brazil and will expand its activities to the US from June 2017. The franchisor already has units throughout all cities in Brazil, and now seeks to increase its revenues and market penetration by performing its services in US. The company has assembled the following package of services, already offered in Brazil:

- Reformas (brougth as home renovation services); - Marido de Aluguel (brougth as handyman services); - Pedreiro (brougth as masonry services and renovation); - Eletricista (brougth as electrician service); - Pintor (brougth as painting services) and - Manutençao Predial (brougth as Building Maintenance).

Paulo Fray, Master Franchisee of Master House Manutenções e Reformas in Orlando, FL, is optimistic: "Our method of renovation and handyman services has many innovations, such as the app we will use to improve client's attendments. We expect to revolute the way things are done in the USA, especially with our packs called "marido de aluguel - master" and "manutençao predial - master".
