San Francisco Arrest Reports

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It is easy to see why arrest records like San Francisco County Arrest Records are some of the most requested for records from the government, after all, these are the official records of the government in regards to the arrest background of the person named in the record, and from there, one can easily see the reason why the people of the community would want to get their hands on copies of the arrest records, after all, these records San Francisco Criminal Records Logs reflect the Discovering San Francisco Arrest Records Information number of times that the person named in the record had been arrested, though it must be noted that the number of times that a person had been arrested does not necessarily reflect the character of the person.

Rightly or wrongly, people tend to judge other people on the basis of the things that the person had done in the past, and where there is a tendency for the person to hide his or her past because they believe that it would paint them in a negative light, the need for these records become manifest. Note, however, that because these records are made only after the person had been arrested, there are times when a person who has a very long criminal history would not have arrest records in his or her name simply because he or she had never been arrested.

As the official records of the government, these records are afforded the presumption of regularity such that the contents of the records are presumed to be true and accurate at all times, though do note that one could question the presumption as it is merely prima facie. A party who would claim that the records are false could do so through the use of competent evidence. Note as well that the presumption applies only if the records were obtained from the proper sources, thus, there is still the need to prove the same. These records are also public records, and this means that these records are supposed to be available to the public at all times.

A request for copies of the records could be done from a number of places, though most people would make the request at the local level as there are fewer records that would have to be checked at this level. A request at this level could be done either through the mail or in person depending on the office where the request would be made. Note that just because these records are given the designation of public records does not mean that they come for free and the person making the request would first have to pay the required fee before he or she could obtain copies of these records. Note, however, that the minimum fee is very minimum so as not to present a true obstacle to any person who would make the request for the records.

San Francisco County Arrest Log may also be obtained online through the use of online databases. These databases could provide information that would be substantially the same as that which could be found from the official sources, but do note that they are not official sources, hence, any and all information obtained through them could not be used for official purposes.