The Philosophy of Non-Dualism4720569

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Non-duality means oneness of every thing. It is for us to shred our thoughts of distinction that we create in the globe. In the globe We see differences in between Man and Animal, Man and Woman between Adult and kids, between Earth and the Sun and so on and so forth. By embracing non - duality we see oneness in every thing. The philosophy of non - duality has been expressed in many cultures such as ancient Hinduism, ancient Buddhism.

We should cease to see the variations between Dogs and Cats. Both are souls living in the Universe. Similarly we should cease to see variations between Man and Woman. Both are souls that have evolved from a typical cause. The principle of trigger and effect creates similarity for every thing in the Universe, Cosmos, Mankind and all life forms.

So does non - duality have to be created or does it already exist?. Non duality already exists. It is for us to engage ourselves in the path of spiritual rejuvenation and encounter Non - duality by living a life that focuses on our causal world rather than a life that focuses on a man made globe.

Is This to say that by advocating non - duality we will ignore the mal-practises of society? No definitely not, This is to say that by embracing the philosophy of non - duality we will live in a undifferentiated globe exactly where we focus our interest our causal elements of our existence and live in harmony, rather than focusing our interest on man made aspects and living with a false feeling of happiness and safety.

non dual teacher