The Power of an Open Sign!1648411

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If you have a small business then it is extremely essential that you have an open sign hanging in the window of your business. Open signs let people know your open. Some small business owners just settle for placing there hours on the door. The problem with that is that unless your right in front of your shop you are unable to see those hours.

An open sign can be seen from a distant. If a potential customer is driving by, they can see from the street that you are open. Otherwise, they will just pass by your business and look for the next business.

Open signs attract interest due to their vibrant lights. The majority, if not all, open signs are either neon or LED. This is for the sole purpose of attracting attention and getting people to come into your business.

Just think about it. If you are driving down the street in the evening and you see a big read sign that says open, that will catch your interest.

Open signs are so powerful. You are literally leaving money out there for an additional business to get if you do not have an open sign.

Most of the time an open sign is the only indication that you are open for business. Hundreds or maybe even thousands of potential clients drive previous your business every single day. Many most likely have no clue your open because they do not see an open sign. Therefore they do not quit.

An open sign is like a special invitation inviting everybody to come in. If they do not feel invited then they probably will not come in.

You want to invite as many people as feasible into your store. Why? Because the more people that come in your shop the more money you will make.