Winning the Inner Game of Weight Loss Part 3

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When one undertakes the quest for this priceless treasure, when one searches for the secret, which is capable of meeting the deepest longing within his heart, then he has truly embarked on the Inner game. W. Timothy GallweyIn the previous section of these articles, I wrote about the different components of the inner game of weight loss. I talked about the importance of self-discipline, self-confidence and self-esteem in achieving your weight loss goals. In this part, I want to explore these topics in more details.Self-esteem defined as "confidence in one's own worth or abilities". It is how well you feel about yourself. It is how we choose and respect yourselves. It is how you react to others in social or stressful situations. It is when you feel relaxed and calm in any social situation.

Occasionally I see one of my students struggling with weight loss. No matter how carefully they watch what they eat or exercise the extra pounds just would not come off. When I counsel these students and inquire more about their challenges, I find that too much harmful emotional stress is preventing them from achieving their goals.For many of us excess, out of control stress is damaging to our optimal self-discipline. Most people are overeating or reaching for "comfort foods" when they are under pressure. Too many people are trying to make themselves feel better by eating "carbs" and other sweets that boost the serotonin levels in their brain. This type of behaviour works for a while then it does not.The next thing to consider is to cultivate a healthy self-confidence. This comes about as results from facing your fears and acting despite them. It is planning ahead and preparing for the challenges that life has to offer. By acting in a confidence manner and with practice you will become more confident. You can pick people that have good self-confidence as your role model and emulate their courageous behaviors. By setting SMART goals and achieving them consistently, you can also boost your confidence tremendously. Last but least is to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements whenever you can.

The next component of the inner game of weight loss has to do with good self-discipline. Self-discipline involves acting according to your highest aspirations instead of how you feel at any particular Opioid replacement treatment in Chico moment. This is a skill, and just like any other skill that can be practiced, developed, and mastered. Plan ahead on how you will deal with temptations before they arise.So make a decision today that you are going to put yourself first from now on. Decide that you will become healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Set SMART goals and start taking small steps toward realizing your dreams.